Thursday, April 14, 2011

ReadWriteWeb Daily Recap

Kinect Support for Netflix Arrives Today on Xbox 360

Kinect support for Netflix is arriving today, Microsoft just announced. The update will allow the motion-controlled gaming system add-on to control Netflix content on the Microsoft Xbox 360. According to Larry Hryb, also known as "Major Nelson" among Xbox fans, with the updated software installed, you'll be able to control the Netflix interface with just a wave of your hand or the sound of your voice.

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HTC Dominating Online Chatter, Says Market Research Firm

After having analyzed over a million conversations taking place in social media channels, market research firm SocialNuggests says that consumers are currently more interested in talking about HTC devices than iPhones. According to the firm's March smartphone index, the iPhone 4 was ranked 10th, while the HTC Thunderbolt came in at number one. Two other HTC phones rounded out the top three.

While it's always interesting to parse the current social media chatter, does this report have any deeper implications other than being a reflection of the ephemeral and immediate nature of Twitter posts and Facebook updates?

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Tweetbot: A Beautiful Twitter iPhone App (& Proof That Third Parties Should Still Build Clients?)

I'm an avid Twitter user. I spend much of my day monitoring tweets for news stories. As Marshall Kirkpatrick wrote almost 4 years ago, Twitter helps me do my job better: "Twitter pays my rent." But I don't actually use any Twitter's own clients or website to do this, with one exception: Twitter for iPhone.

And as of the release last night of Tapbots' new Twitter app, Tweetbot, I think I'm ditching the official Twitter app on my iPhone now too.

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Oprah Comes to Flipboard

Flipboard fans get ready, because Oprah is on her ways to the app's iPad-only digital pages. And Oprah fans, you should get ready too, because you've likely never seen Oprah's content look this good before.

Starting today, Flipboard will feature an official Oprah section, which will be automatically included with every new download of the Flipboard iPad app.

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Sponsor Post: 5 Mistakes SMBs Can Avoid When Moving to the Cloud

Editor's note: We offer our long-term sponsors the opportunity to write posts and tell their story. These posts are clearly marked as written by sponsors, but we also want them to be useful and interesting to our readers. We hope you like the posts and we encourage you to support our sponsors by trying out their products.

1. Loving a cloud before determining the problem you are trying to solve. Just move to the cloud. It's easy right? As they say on TV... "To the cloud!" The fact is, moving to the cloud as an SMB can be both advantageous and overwhelming. Adopting cloud computing technology within your organization should only be done if it solves an immediate problem not because of popularity trends.

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Spotify Puts New Caps on Free Music (and Knows You'll Hate It)

European upstart music service Spotify just announced that it is putting new limits on its millions of free account holders. "[I]t's vital that we continue offering an on-demand free service to you and millions more like you," the company said in its announcement, "but to make that possible we have to put some limits in place going forward."

CNet's Greg Sandoval reported yesterday that some new limits were coming, based on unnamed but clearly well-informed sources. Free account holders today are able to listen to up to 20 hours of music on-demand, song by song and album by album, each month. The new limits will allow 20 hours for the first 6 months of any user's new account. After 6 months, free listening will be cut down to 10 hours. That means 20 minutes on average, every day of the month, for free. That's still generous, as far as I'm concerned.

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Microsoft Announces Kinect SDK: Why This is the Future of Windows

Today at the Microsoft Mix event, an annual showcase of its latest web and mobile technologies, Microsoft announced an SDK (software development kit) for its motion-controlled gaming system Kinect. After launching in November 2010 on the Xbox, Kinect became the fastest selling electronics device ever - eclipsing the iPad in units sold. News of the Kinect SDK for Windows first came out in January and today Microsoft announced that it will be released in spring. The SDK will enable third party software to hook into Kinect. In other words, Kinect becomes a platform.

Nobody can accurately predict what apps will successfully use Kinect technology, but Microsoft showed a glimpse of the possibilities today with a Kinect-controlled armchair. What's most intriguing though is the probability that Kinect will become integrated into Microsoft's Windows OS and lead to the Next Big Thing in web user experience.

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The American Civil War in 3D for Its Sesquicentennial

Yesterday was the 150th anniversary of the United States Civil War. The official beginning of hostilities took place on April 12, 1861 when the states that ceded from the union attacked Fort Sumter in South Carolina.

The Civil War was documented using state-of-the-art technology, stereo photography, the original 3D. Now, the Library of Congress has released some of their stereoscopic collection as modern 3-D anaglyphs to be viewed with blue/red 3D movie glasses.

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Chrome Left Behind as Safari Gets "Do Not Track"

Apple has added the "Do Not Track" option to the latest version of its default browser, Safari, catching up with the rest of the browser market. The Federal Trade Commission suggested the feature late last year during an investigation of ways to protect consumer privacy and, since then, most major browsers have adopted it.

"Do Not Track" gives users the ability to identify and opt out of certain type of online tracking.

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Has Facebook Disappeared 40% of Its Chinese Users?

On April 5th, two days after the arrest of artist and architect Ai Weiwei, 250,000 Facebook users disappeared, according to Shanghaist. Citing data from SocialBakers, a Facebook metrics site, they discovered not a tapering off, as of loss of interest, but a sudden, instantaneous drop-off.

Two things are contemporary with this unexplained decline: the arrest of Ai Weiwei amid an overall crackdown on dissidence and dissidents, and Facebook's negotiations to create a Chinese social network with search giant Baidu.

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