Thursday, April 14, 2011



Link to MobileCrunch

Apple To Release White iPhone 4 “In The Next Few Weeks”?

Posted: 13 Apr 2011 04:41 PM PDT

The white iPhone 4 is dead! No it’s not! Yes it is! No it’s not! Yes it is!


Today, we head back to “No it’s not!” land, with Bloomberg claiming they’ve got “three people familiar with the plans” all saying the same thing: the white iPhone 4 is coming in the next few weeks (with one saying “by the end of April”) for both AT&T and Verizon

For those keeping track: it’s now been 10 months since the white iPhone 4 was originally supposed to hit the shelves.

Android Now Supports Carrier Billing On Sprint

Posted: 13 Apr 2011 12:01 PM PDT

Carrier billing is kind of a big deal. No one likes having to whip out their credit card or deal with Google Checkout credentials when they’re looking to snatch up some 99 cent game. Each obstacle adds one more opportunity for people to think, “Meh. Do I really need this?” which, in turn, kills sales.

Last year, Android got carrier billing support for AT&T and T-Mobile. Today, one more big name is being added to the list: Sprint. All Sprint users should see the “Bill My Sprint Account” option show up under the “Pay For This With” drop-down within the next few days. Just don’t go too crazy, Sprinters — remember, you’ve got to pay that bill off eventually.

BlackBerry Touch (Monaco) Gets The Pre-Release Video Treatment

Posted: 13 Apr 2011 11:49 AM PDT

Aaaand the BlackBerry leak avalanche continues. First came a handful of stills focused on RIM’s next full face touchscreen handset, known around the rumor mill as either the “BlackBerry Touch”, or by its codename, the “Monaco”. Then came stills of the BlackBerry Bold Touch 2, followed up shortly thereafter with stills of the BlackBerry Torch 2. Unless they pull off some sort of mind-wiping voodoo, RIM probably won’t have much to announce when BlackBerry World rolls around in May.

Today, we’re circling all the way back around to the BlackBerry Touch — but this time, it’s video. The language is one I don’t recognize and, unfortunately, my babelfish is misbehaving these days. As such, I’ve got no idea what’s being said, be it “This is the best handset I’ve ever used!” or “Oh god! This is garbage!” Anyone out there care to translate?

[ via CrackBerry]

Windows Phone 7 “Mango” To Bring 3rd Party Multitasking, Fast App Switching, Better Hardware Access

Posted: 13 Apr 2011 10:23 AM PDT

Mango. To some, it’s just a delicious fruit; to others, it’s the once-secret codename for an update Microsoft plans on pushing to Windows Phone 7 later this year.

We’ve known for a while now that Mango would bring multitasking for third-party applications and Internet Explorer 9, but Microsoft has just used their MIX 2011 Keynote to shed a bit more light on the other new stuff.

All-in-all, Microsoft claims that around 1500 new APIs have been squeezed in for developers to build on.

Amongst them:

  • Application multitasking for background processing, audio and file transfer, and fast application switching
  • Deeper phone integration so apps can, for example, take better advantage of the versatility of Live Tiles
  • Access to the camera and Motion Sensor library so developers can build apps that incorporate device hardware and build augmented reality experiences

That last one — the prior lack of direct camera/motion sensor access — is something that I’ve heard developers complaining about on multiple occasions.

Internet Victory: Microsoft Works With Fan-Made Ad Maker To Create Their Next Commercial

Posted: 13 Apr 2011 10:00 AM PDT

Remember that insanely high-energy, fan-made Windows Phone 7 ad from a few weeks back? The Windows Phone 7 community (or, really, anyone with ears and eyes) went pretty nuts for it. Just about anywhere you looked, people were shouting: “MICROSOFT! PLAY THIS COMMERCIAL ON TV!”

For one reason or another, they couldn’t do that — so they hired him to make a new one.

Microsoft commissioned the original ad’s maker, Brandon Foy, to make a second ad for the opening of the MIX 2011 Keynote. But that’s not all! During the keynote, they dropped a bit of a surprise on him: if the community responds to this second commercial nearly as well as they responded to the first one, they’re promising to get it on primetime TV.

Good job, Internet.

Japan’s GREE And Mobile Community mig33 Sign Deal To Bring Social Games To Asia

Posted: 13 Apr 2011 07:24 AM PDT

Big news from Asia's social games industry today: Japanese mobile social gaming juggernaut GREE and mig33, a mobile community that's especially popular in Asia, have just announced [PDF] a cooperation with the potential to change the social gaming market in the region. Under the agreement, mig33 adopts the "GREE platform for smartphone", which means that smartphone games that have been created using the technical specifications of GREE's Japanese platform can now be easily ported to mig33, and vice versa. Read the rest on TechCrunch.

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